Live, Longboxes, and Prosper.

My very first comics were issues of the Swamp Thing, Scary Tales, and Godzilla. Those gave way to weekly trips to 7-11 for copies of DC and Marvel superhero comics.  Later in college, I would discover Neil Gaiman's The Sandman and James O'Barr's The Crow. Having met both of these creators I can honestly say - sometimes it really pays to meet your heroes. Both of these gentleman left an indelible impression on me as an artist and a writer that would forever stick with me and my pursuits to telling stories with word and pictures.

Flash forward to today, well about a week from today, my wife, Lomax, and I are preparing for a Pop-up Shop at our local comic store, Multiverse. Having a neighborhood comic shop takes me back to my convenient store journeys with dollar or two burning a hole in my pocket. Lomax and I cannot wait to hang out, talk comics and art, and sell our wares.

Big thank to Sara and Gralin for making us feel right at home in their Multiverse.

Thanks to everyone that popped by to give this page a read.
Much appreciated and see you soon.



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